
Saturday, March 24, 2012

First Anniversary : A Mere Milestone

A small group of endeavors excited to help people in the best way possible discovered an easy way to utilize generous people using less known micro-blogging site 'Twitter' amongst Nepali youth exactly one year ago, has now become a very fine trademark for relating a Nepali  twitter user to the other in a precise manner now.  We have come across a lot of  unity while helping deprived and under privileged group of people around our community, but there used to be an instance while despite of your greatness and tremendous efforts, we were lacking to extend out much to help them sustain their lives. But after we thought of uniting twitter users, we have now become able to extend our helping hands to there where in need. This is all due to you generous people out there donating in the best possible way. Thank you all for your continuous support and enchanted mercy-fulness. Long live humanity !!

During the moment of uniting, we were very much keen in knowing the ways we could ever help the needy ones in the best way possible and we came out with an idea to collect some sum of amounts however we can because money would anyway always be a key to help anyone. We then decided to make a fund by collecting with twitter users, so called the members of tfcNepal (no any compulsion was laid to donation) as according to at least 20p a tweet. This could as well generate a nice amount in the fund which was totally satisfactory and we were encouraged. Later on when we came upto the collection, kind hearted twitter users donated us much more than expected amount from the number of tweets they tweeted. As knowing the general interests and as everyone was satisfied that the sum collected goes to the targeted groups directly, people were more delighted to donate money to us which later on became a very handsome sum and we conducted different missions all over.

We have had five different missions in different needy places in the first year of our establishment. Extremely motivated by the compassion in helping people (mostly children) and helping them to enable their right to education always drove us and kept us energetic during all the missions and we are proud we did our best to accomplish all of them successfully.

Mission#1 done in the Pabitra Samaj Sewa (PSS) , Nepal was a huge compliment when we helped 22 children living with a very young and dedicated social worker Dikchhya Chapagai in the shades provided by a nearby government school in Dhapasi. Details here.

Mission#2 which we accomplished in the Disabled Rehabilitation Center (DRC) at Gokarna was another huge success where we donated various daily edibles and food according to their needs. DRC was then a home for 55 different homeless children who were directly effected by the 10 years long violence and conflict in the country, and it has been continuing its good work by serving disabled children from all around Nepal. Details here.

Mission#3 was done in Sharada Primary School in Tilganga, Kathmandu where we donated 125 school bags to the students studying there who came along from very deprived community who could not afford basic educational materials easily. Along with the bags, we also donated sufficient other educational materials as well. Details here.

Mission#4 was held in Naya Nepal Apanga Samaj Kendra, Shantinagar, Kathmandu where we helped the children living there by donating foods, education materials along with shoes on the occassion of the greatest Hindu Celebration Dashain. Details here.

Mission#5 was organised away from Kathmandu, in Udayapur where we helped 19 visually impaired children living under Samyukta Drishtibihin Shrot Kachhya at Belahi, Udayapur. We donated various clothings, bedsheets, blankets and food to deprived and visually impaired children. Details here.

Never the less, it has been possible due to your generous and kind involvement in helping them. We would like to thank all our friends,members,donors and kind hearted individuals who directly helped us in supporting the under previleged ones. So that everyone is well informed about the donations provided, please keep updated by checking your donation list here. And notify us if your donation is missing. To keep everything fair enough, we have clearly mentioned all the donations received and expenses done in each missions separately. Please inform us if you find anything suspicious.

We have been able to march together towards helping people and society around us only because of our togetherness. We wish that this continues until the humanity remains. Thank you all again you wonderful people, thank you for your generousity that deprived groups of children have at least been benifited a bit with your help.

At last, We would be more than happy to recieve your kind helps, suggestions which we will surely utelize to help the unprivileged people (especially children) around our communities. We would also be happy to know if you are aware of such deprived group of people around your periphery who could be greatly helped by our little helps. Please write to us and make us noticed. Write to us at or mention os @tfcNepal in twitter.
Long  Live Humanity.
Thank you. Happy tweeting.
-tfcNepal, 2012