To mark the 'United Nations: International Day of Persons With Disabilities' tfcNepal held its meeting on December 3 2011 at Bishwobhasha Campus, Kathmandu and decided to do its #mission 5 on the disable centre on Dec 17 2011 [Poush 2, 2068], Saturday. Most importantly, all the members agreed to a concept 'mission without boundaries' and decided that mission 5 will be held on Dec 17 2011 at Udaypur. The detailed description of the venue is as follows:
नाम: संयुक्त दृष्टिबिहिन श्रोत क़क्षा
ठेगाना: सुन्दरपुर गाबिस, बेलही, उदयपुर
बिध्यार्थी संख्या: २०
ठेगाना: सुन्दरपुर गाबिस, बेलही, उदयपुर
बिध्यार्थी संख्या: २०
प्रकार; सबै दृष्टिबिहिन [Here is the letter sent by our tfcNepal member from Gaighat writing details about Drishti Bihin Shrot Kashya]
Location map of #mission5 site :
Here is the list of tfcNepal members who donated on our meeting at Bishwobhasa College, 3/12/2011
and here is the list of total donors of tfcNepal till date. We wud like to sincerly thank all our dedicated followers for ur time and co-operation, we culdnot do it without u
Happy Tweeting:
-tfcNepal, 2011 ©
The following decisions were made on the above date meeting in regards to the #mission 5.
1. The mission will be conducted in Samyukta Drishtibihin Shrot Kachya, Belahi, Udaypur on December 17, 2011 [Poush 2, 2068] Saturday.
2. The representative of tfcNepal, kathmandu will move to Udaypur via night coach on Dec 16 2011 (reaching the venue, Gaighat on Dec 17 morning)
3. The interested participants who wants to go to Udaypur have to register their name through DM to tfcNepal before Dec 13 2011 (Tuesday).
4. The participants who will be going to Udaypur have to bear all their expenses (travel, accommodation etc) on their own and no fund from tfcNepal will be provided to any participants. Its totally a voluntary work.
5. The shopping for #mission5 will be done on Dec 12,13 and 14.
6. Those who have spare winter clothes or any stationary materials which they want to donate for the mission can do so by messaging @tfcnepal and someone will pick those clothes or other stuffs from the place convenient to the donors.
7. The primary aid will include following:
१)थाल -१०
२)बटुका -१०
१)सिरक खोल-११
४)सिरानी खोल-२२
६) जाडो को लुगा : २०
सांगीतिक सामग्री
१. मादल: २-३
२. हार्मोनियम: १
३ नेपाली संगीत का ट्रयाकहरु तथा अन्य सामगृहरु |
So are you ready to go Udaypur for #mission5? if yes then register your name before Dec 13 2011 (Tuesday). Lets join our hands to bring smile on the faces of the visually impaired children
of Samyukta Drishti Bihin Shrot Kachhya.
Lets bring smile on the faces of every differently-able persons all over world. They need support not sympathy. Lets do little things with great love as said by Mother Teressa. Lets make a difference.
Participant Attendence of December 3, 2011 meeting at Bishwobhasa College.
@addkali, @hsibar, @n_amrit, @dipen123us, @knchn19, @byshanti, @jaw_knock,
@aakarpost, @nepaldiary, @saroose, @dipakbhattari, @bardia_ko_bagh,
@_pagalbasti, @die4gooner, @kakabaa, @niraj_1974, @sarojtiwari, @ishzz,
@acharya14, @kamallama82
Location map of #mission5 site :
Here is the list of tfcNepal members who donated on our meeting at Bishwobhasa College, 3/12/2011
and here is the list of total donors of tfcNepal till date. We wud like to sincerly thank all our dedicated followers for ur time and co-operation, we culdnot do it without u
Happy Tweeting:
-tfcNepal, 2011 ©
@tfcNepal को अर्को एउटा महत्वपूर्ण प्रयास | सबै मिलेर साथ दिऔँ .... #Mission5 लाइ सफल बनाऔँ |