
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Revised :: Notice for upcoming meeting of @tfcnepal

Note : 1) Since, there is a non-political youth initiative programme at Maitighar starting from 3 PM, on saturday 7th May, we wish to join hands with the youths for a non-political reason. So, there has been a slight change in the time of @tfcnepal meeting which will be at 1 PM sharp at Bhrikutimandap.
 2) Those who get difficulties in finding the exact location of the meeting shall DM @tfcnepal to get further informations.

All members of @tfcnepal who are in the Kathmandu Valley (or outside Ktm valley who can manage time ) are requested to gather at the following venue and timefor a meeting to be held to discuss on the following agendas.
Agendas :
1)      Tweetpals' meet and general introduction to the new members
2)      Sharing Ideas and discussions on what fields can we(@tfcnepal) work for.
3)      Uptodate records presentation of financial data of @tfcnepal
4)      Fund Collection
Venue :
Bhrikuti Mandap Chaur(Infront of Bouddha Vishwabidhyalaya, Public Relation Center)
 Exhibition Road, Kathmandu
Time : Sharp 1:00 Pm

We'll be discussing on your ideas. If you have seen any orphanage homes or Elderly Centres around your community, do collect some ideas about them and we can share ideas however we can help them and bring smile on their faces.
Your presence at the venue is highly appreciable.

Thank you. 

@tfcnepal को बैठक बस्ने बारे सूचना !!

यहि आउँदो बैशाख २४ गते शनिबारका दिन मध्यान्न १ बजे प्रदर्शनी मार्ग स्थित भृकुटीमण्डपको खुल्ला चौरमा हामी तलका उल्लेखित बुँदाहरु बारे छलफल गर्न बैठक बस्दैछौँ |

बुँदाहरु :
१)      ट्वीटरका साथिहरुको प्रत्यक्ष भेटघाट र चिनापर्ची
२)      हामी (tfcnepal) ले आफ्नो सहयोग के कस्तो र कसलाई गर्न सक्छौं आफ्ना विचार पेश गर्ने र सोको छलफल गर्ने 
३)      अहिले सम्मको आर्थिक कारोबारको सम्पूर्ण जानकारी सबै सदस्यहरुलाई गराउने
४)      रकम संकलन
सो समयमा हामी हाम्रा छेउछाउमा भएका / हामीले  देखेका बालकल्याण वा बृद्धबृद्धाहरुको सेवामा अहोरात्र खटिएका संस्था/मानिस कोहि छन् भने त्यहाँको बारेमा केहि जानकारी लिएर उपस्थित होऔं र सो मा हामीले केहि सहयोग गर्न सक्छौं कि भनेर सल्लाह गरौँ |
यहाँको उपस्थिति प्रर्थनिय छ |
धन्यबाद !

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